Adjust prices to your competitors?

Scan specific competitors

Complete customization for very reasonable prices is possible with us. If you want to check a certain competitor for price every day, you can now do so automatically. The amount of products does not matter, your competitor does not notice and will in no way be able to trace this back to SlimstePrijs or you. We like challenges and almost nothing is impossible. For several customers we even have to retrieve the prices behind a competitor's login and this is no problem at all.

Only view or also automatically process?

The data that we collect every day and that you can view via the login op SlimstePrijsWe can also automatically process .nl on your site. We then create a link between SlimstePrijs and your site. In SlimstePrijs you can then set what the price should be on your site by setting different margins. The margins you can set are, for example, a lower limit of the selling price, a maximum price and how much you want below the price of your competitor. There are also many more things to set, or we can tailor certain settings for you.

SlimstePrijs customisation

Don't pay too much for customization

Certain questions are specific to a single customer, but we can process a lot of customization to improve our complete system and we do not charge money for this. We want to make our system more and more complete and that is why we are always looking for tips or questions so that we can work on this.

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