Automatic price comparison on

Selling products on, for example, is not always easy. Entering the correct texts, providing complete information, delivery times, assessments and then also the best price. With our price comparison software we can help you to automatically do a price check on your assortment every day. overcome competitors with the price comparison

You can go through the SlimstePrijs set the price comparator whether you want prices to be updated automatically or whether you want to do this manually. If you want to do this manually, it gives SlimstePrijs a suggested retail price and, for example, will be 1% below the price of your cheapest competitor. This can be done both downwards and upwards, in other words Dynamic Pricing of your products, but specifically on

Example of the price comparator

Suppose you sell a bicycle on and the suggested retail price is €299. You purchased this for €150 excluding VAT. You indicate that you want to make a minimum margin of 25%, so the sales price must be at least €200 excluding VAT/ €242 including VAT. A competitor sells the bike for €275. SlimstePrijs will advise you to offer the price 1% below the competitor, in this case for €272,25. If someone sells the same bicycle for €225 including VAT, the price comparator will give you SlimstePrijs Please note that you cannot participate in this prize. Offer the bike for €242. This way you determine the minimum margins you want for each product, each product group or for your entire range.

Automatic price comparison on

A lot of work off your hands with the price comparator

SlimstePrijs will save you a lot of work. Your prices are up-to-date every day, your turnover will increase by using SlimstePrijs with and the average margin will increase. Because you are probably the cheapest provider with more products, this will benefit your ranking at and give a sales boost.

Simply link your account

Linking your account with SlimstePrijs is easier than you think.

  1. Go to the partner platform
  2. Go to 'settings' (top right)
  3. Choose API settings and request an API code
  4. If we receive the code, we will link the system and you can use the SlimstePrijs price comparator manage your prices. Via the login on our site you can keep track of your products and set your margins.

Knowing more? Or do you need our help? Take without obligation contact on!

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